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InfraRoute is a software solution for routing on street level utilizing Infranet’s proprietary addressing research and knowledge on addressing data. Easily usable by end-users, InfraRoute offers easy integration with any logistic system. It is stable and fast and is independent of other logistic systems but at the same time easily integrated with other systems such as Shipping API and any CAS solutions if needed. InfraRoute is easily extendible and easy to maintain, language, country, and culture-independent.


Even though there are common standards to address any shipment, it is common (world-wide) that shippers use different sets of very heterogeneous addressing data for sending a shipment to one consignee at a specific address. That behavior leads to significantly denormalized address data in all logistics systems.

Additional meta-data is rarely used, but very valuable since it can be used to overcome traditional routing issues (proof-of-concept on sample od 567k addresses reaches more than 94% correct addressed). Historical delivery data from shipping companies as well as public data (public registries) from different sources, can be used to significantly increase routing data. Machine learning can be used to further improve data quality and maintenance.

After performing gap analysis, Infranet has used the InfraRoute framework to develop an AngularJS web application using .NET technology with the database running on Microsoft SQL Server with and with a Routing API. Also, Infranet has advanced Shipping API to be able to consume the Routing API of InfraRoute.


  • Independent of mistakes in addressing
  • Mapping incorrect address data in a correct way
  • A lower number of sorting failures
  • Faster and earlier driver departures from sorting centers
  • Increased delivery quality
  • Preserved and protected address data as a valuable company asset
  • Consequently, after full implementation of InfraRoute, it is expected to directly decrease sorting costs (manual labor) and indirectly decrease delivery costs


Quickly access and edit routes, address synonyms, routes, postal locations, townships, countries, consignees, building types, services, delivery centers, and unsuccessful routings.

Add, remove or edit users that have access to the system


Access the address list and choose an address to edit. Quickly edit street location, name, and house number, assign a route or add a description of the location.

Add consignees to an address to ensure high delivery quality.

Add address synonyms for increased accuracy.


Access and edit existing routes or create new routes.


Route map overview allows for a quick view and easy access to all the routes drawn on a map.


Route map overview allows for a quick view and easy access to all the routes drawn on a map. Access and edit the list of consignees and their corresponding addresses to ensure high delivery quality.

Infranet has a long-standing experience in developing document management systems that produce an estimated 10M mailing items per year and manages address data and maintains it for institutions and companies using the proprietary InfraRoute framework. Those clients employ more than 120.000 employees in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro, endorsed and accepted by the shipping industry.