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Incorporation information

NFRANET RAZVOJ d.o.o. is incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Croatia. We want to be fully transparent for you to know who you work with so you can find or incorporation and other legal information listed on this page.


Bosiljevska ulica 2
HR10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Full company name (HR): Infranet razvoj društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za trgovinu i usluge
Full company name (EN): Infranet development limited liability company for trading and services
Short company name (HR): Infranet razvoj d.o.o.
Short company name (EN): Infranet development Ltd.

Please note that in any business with us, when an English (EN) company name is used, it should be used with the company name written in Croatian (HR).

Registered at Commercial registry at Commercial court in Zagreb (MBS: 080747785) with founding/incorporation capital 21.000,00 HRK (2.787,18 euro) paid in full by founders Nikola Crnković and Marko Brković.

Represented by: Marko Brković, director, Nikola Crnković, director and Dario Alfirević, director

Personal identification number (PIN/OIB): 96216592400

Statistical identification number of a business entity (MB): 2713195, issued by Croatian Bureau of Statistics (Republika Hrvatska, Državni zavod za statistiku) 

Main economic activity according to Statistical classification of economic activities (NACE 2007 Rev. 2): J 62.01 - Computer programming

EU VAT ID: HR96216592400, can be validated in VIES (VAT Information Exchange System operated by European Commission) issued by Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Finance, Tax Administration (Republika Hrvatska, Ministarstvo financija, Porezna uprava)

EORI: HR96216592400, can be validated in EORI Number validation (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number validation operated by European Commission Taxation and Customs Union), issued by Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Finance, Customs Administration (Republika Hrvatska, Ministarstvo financija, Carinska uprava)

Bank account number (IBAN): HR8923400091110457828
Bank: PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB d.d., Radnička 50, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

To know more about our banking, payments, and payments related to you visit this resource about banking and payments.