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Cookie policy

n accordance with the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (EU 2016/679) and in accordance with the Law on electronic communications (NN 73/08, 90/11, 133/12, 80/13, 71/14, 72/17) company Infranet razvoj, Ulica grada Vukovara 269D, OIB: 96216592400, which is independently and individually represent by Dario Alfirević, director, Marko Brković, director and Nikola Crnković, director (hereinafter: the Company)

Declares the following:


This Cookie Notice relates to the website owned and operated by Infranet razvoj d.o.o., and describes how we process personal data collected by cookies and other techniques, including pixels, on our website.


When opening our Site or view our targeted ads, we automatically collect information using cookies or other techniques. Data processed in this way may, on their own or in their entirety, influence the creation of user profiles and thus enable the identification of users or site visitors.
However, data is not collected equally by setting all cookies, and the differences between individual types of cookies are presented below so that each user can make an informed decision.
The types of data we collect from cookies include IP address, device ID, pages viewed, search data, browser type, operating system, internet operator, timestamp, URL you were redirected from, location information depending on the device you use, and more.
For each type of cookie in this document we provide a clear and understandable explanation of the purpose and method of use as well as the retention period of such collected data and set the option of explicit consent for each of them, except technical (necessary) because they do not download any personal data that could identify the user but they serve solely for the purpose of the site. In the same way, we enable the withdrawal of the approval for setting cookies.
For all additional information related to the settings, meaning or functioning of cookies or the processing of such collected data, each user will be referred to this document when opening the page and the possibility of contacting via the e-mail address: .


Cookies are small textual electronic information that a website sends to a visitor's browser and are stored on the visitor's hard drive so the site can function at all or to provide additional features for a better user experience, but also in Infranet's business interest.
As soon as you open our website, cookies are activated as described below in this Statement.
If you do not want any cookies, even necessary ones, to be stored on your devices at all, you can always set options in the browser settings you use to disable cookies, but in this case we must warn you that there is a high probability that your browser will not work properly or will not be able to load content at all not only ours, but most other websites as well.
You can also delete Cookies from your device, but if you choose to block or delete cookies, certain functions of the websites you visit may not work properly.


Cookies are divided according to several criteria listed below:

Depending on the duration, cookies can be temporary or permanent.

Temporary cookies are set only during the session and are removed immediately after closing the Internet browser. Such cookies collect information such as the last few pages you visited and similar information.

Persistent cookies are those that remain on your computer even after closing the browser for a certain period of time, and the duration depends on the type of cookie. These are cookies that remember information such as passwords, login information, language settings and similar information.

Cookies are also divided according to the source into first-party or third-party cookies

First party cookies are cookies that come only from our website and remember only information related to the re-use of only our website (for example, language settings). We do not share such information with anyone, and cookies may be set temporarily or permanently.

Third party cookies come from other Internet sites, ie from other Internet sites. These cookies are used so that other Internet sites can have an insight into how you use the Internet through the website you are browsing (for example, through advertising).


Infranet uses technical, functional, statistical and marketing cookies, and below we bring you details about each of them. These include but are not limited to:

• _gid - a cookie set by Google Analytics to store and count page views for statistical purposes. These cookies are stored for 1 (one) day.
• ARRAffinitySameSite - a cookie set by Microsoft Azure to ensure that site visitor requests are always redirected to the same server in each browsing session. These cookies are temporary and are used until the session closes.
• ARRAffinity - is a cookie used to connect to the Azure application. These cookies are temporary and are used for the duration of the session.
• _ga - Google Analytics cookie that is saved to the device the first time a visitor uses the site. The cookie sends the client ID to associate uploads with the user each time. The duration of this cookie is 2 (two) years.
• _gat_gtag - cookies are set by Google Analytics to store and track conversions for marketing purposes, and the cookie remains stored for 1 (one) hour after setting.
• Cconsent - a cookie that stores information that you have given your consent to the use of cookies. Its duration is one year from the last approval.

Technical cookies (required)

These cookies are necessary for the functioning of the website. It is also possible to disable the necessary cookies in the browser settings, but in this case, there is a possibility that you will not be able to use part or entire website.

Please note that the necessary cookies do not collect or store any of your personal information. Cookies are active only during the user’s session on our site, for it to function properly. Closing a page or browser automatically removes cookies.

These are first party cookies and they only come from our website.

Since these cookies do not collect any personal data or keep them stored, their setting and use do not require the consent of the user, they are activated automatically, as they are automatically turned off.

Functional cookies

These cookies are used to improve service and remember some personalized settings. This way, our website can remember the selections and adjustments that you have activated when using the site.

Among the data collected this way are certainly the choice of language, login information, currency, and similar information. Such data are not themselves data that can identify someone, but in their entirety, they can contribute to the development of user profiles and thus enable their identification.

Users can enable the setting of functional cookies in the menu that appears when opening the page, and also at any time in the same way can withdraw approval in which case these cookies will be removed and automatically stop using such collected data.

Functional cookies are stored for one year from the start of the page. It should be noted that this period begins to run again with each new start of the page but can be interrupted at any time by checking the negative answer in the cookie menu on the cover.

Statistical (analytical) cookies

Statistical cookies enable the recording of visits and sources of traffic and are used for statistical purposes and to improve the website. These cookies give us insight into how you use our site, the duration of use of the site, which pages you visit and similar information.

Among the data collected by these cookies are IP address, browser data and similar information, and they in their entirety can contribute to identification.

Please note that the use of analytical cookies transmits the collected data to third countries, and we especially emphasize the United States given the laws that explicitly require the submission of all data to the authorities, so visitors to our site must be aware that enabling cookies on our site sending data to third countries.

Marketing cookies

They serve for personalized tracking of the user to show him targeted ads based on his interests and habits. These cookies provide insight into which sites users of the site generally visit, thus creating your profile based on your interests, which affects the filtering of ads that will be displayed to you depending on your preferences.

These are third-party cookies and are used by advertisers, agencies and other entities interested in submitting their ads to you. You can turn off this type of cookie in the menu, but you will turn off the display of ads according to a profile based on your interests, while still displaying marketing content unrelated to your preferences.

The data collected by setting these cookies include IP address, location, browser, pages searched and similar information.
Marketing cookies can be turned off in the menu on the front page.


Pixel tags (also known as 'clear gifs') are electronic files that are usually made up of a single pixel image and can be added to a website or e-mail to send information such as a newsletter. We may use pixel tags to set or recognize a cookie on your device if you use our services.


We share your personal information collected by setting cookies in the ways described above. Some cookies are set solely for our use, and we do not share such information with other parties, and some data is collected through the placement of third-party cookies and in that case your data becomes available to them.

It is important to emphasize that each visitor to our website decides for himself whether to allow the setting of cookies and thus provide access to certain data that alone or in combination with other data collected through cookies can identify the user.

With its data protection approach, Infranet makes special efforts to enable each user to make an informed decision about the management of cookies of their choice. First, on the front page we have set up a menu with clear explanations of the use, duration and reason for setting each type of cookie, while for more information we refer to this document or contact all information via e-mail:

The menu is designed to provide basic but clear and specific information about all types of cookies and options whose selection does not suggest a decision but allows site visitors to make an unambiguous choice.

Also, in an equally simple, understandable, and explicit way, the visitor can withdraw the decision or prohibit the use of some or all types of cookies except the necessary ones at the first use.
Your personal information may be shared with social networks, e-mail services, SMS services and other cloud services that we use to provide services, customer service or productivity or reporting purposes.

We do not sell or rent your personal information.
We disclose personal information to law enforcement and other governmental bodies if required by law or strictly necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal offenses and fraud.


If you have any questions or complaints regarding our processing of your personal data or wish to use any of the rights you have under this notice, please feel free to contact us at: In case of questions or complaints, you can also contact the local data protection authority.


As technology and accompanying regulations are constantly changing, so are the technical characteristics and thus our business, this Cookie Notice may change from time to time. If you would like to review the changes that are occasionally made to this Cookie Notice, we invite you to open the Cookie Notice on our Site and review the changes.

This Cookie Notice is published on our website and applies to all visitors to the Site and users of the services of Infranet razvoj d.o.o. regarding privacy, in particular with regard to the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection and the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection.

This notice was published on the Company's website in March 2022.

This cookie statement can be downloaded here: Cookie statement

Infranet razvoj d.o.o.