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Banking and payments

Issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment for work done

We will issue an invoice or the equivalent request for payment to you as a customer when either of the following conditions for issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment are met:

  • work has been certified as done or
  • when conditions for issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment without certification of work done are met.

Work is done when we issue a request for certification that the work is done and you issue such certification that certifies that work is done.

The process of certification that the work is done is set out in general terms and conditions applicable to the work.

Conditions for issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment without certification of work done are being met when you receive a request for certification that the work is done and you fail to meet the deadline to certify that the work is done. The deadline to certify that the work is done is set out in general terms and conditions applicable to the work. In respect to issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment, failure to object that the work is done will produce the same legal effect as if you, as the customer, have certified that the work is done, meaning that the invoice or the equivalent request for payment shall be issued.

When issuing an invoice is met, you irrevocably acknowledge that we have fulfilled all our contractual and legal obligations pertaining to the work.

Due date of invoice or the equivalent request for payment

If not otherwise agreed upon in writing the standard due date is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of issue of the invoice or the equivalent request for payment. You, as a customer, are obligated to pay the amount due listed on the invoice or the equivalent request for payment. Amount due means the principal sum which you should pay within the contractual or statutory period of payment, including the applicable taxes, duties, levies, or charges specified in the invoice or the equivalent request for payment.

If the fifteenth calendar day from the date of issue of an invoice is a bank holiday in the country where the debtor is registered, the due date will be the next working day after the aforementioned fifteenth day and as such will be declared as a due date and listed on the invoice.

Objecting to the invoice for work done

You as a customer are allowed to object to an invoice or the equivalent request for payment. The process of objecting to the invoice or the equivalent request for payment is set out in these terms.

You as a customer have the right object to the invoice or the equivalent request for payment in 7 (seven) calendar days, counting from the next calendar day from the calendar day that you, as a customer, have received the invoice or the equivalent request for payment.

Objection to invoice or the equivalent request for payment shall be made in writing.

Failure to object timely to an invoice or the equivalent request for payment makes you liable for payment of the invoice in full (amount due) as listed on the invoice.

We shall deem valid an objection to the invoice or the equivalent request for payment when invoicing or the equivalent request for payment:

  • is delivered to you more than 7 (seven) days from the date of issue
  • does not contain all legally binding data that identifies us as an issuer of the invoice (creditor)
  • does contain all legally binding data that identifies us as an issuer of the invoice (creditor), but the data is incorrect
  • does not contain all legally binding data that identifies you as a customer (creditor)
  • contains all legally binding data that identifies you as a customer (creditor), but data is incorrect
  • contains a wrong due date
  • does not refer that the work that has been done or to the work when conditions for issuing an invoice or the equivalent request for payment without certification of work done are met
  • contains any errors in calculation
  • does not contain elements required by law (including but not limited to: invoice number, tax calculation, tax exemptions if applicable)

Objecting to any other reason will be considered invalid and such objection rejected. To object to whether the work is actually done is not permitted in the invoice objection process, but in the certification process of work done and any such objection will be considered as objectively late and rejected. 

You as a customer have a right to object to an invoice or the equivalent request for payment once and once only. An objection to the invoice or the equivalent request for payment shall contain all reasons that you object to. For the purpose of clarification, you cannot issue an objection to the same invoice multiple times stating different reasons. 

For any objection that we deem as valid according to these terms, we shall respond to that objection no later than 7 (seven) calendar days, counting from the next calendar day from the day that we have received the objection to the invoice.

In case of a valid objection, we shall issue an invoice reversal of the invoice that you objected to and include the reason for such reversal on the invoice reversal also referencing the invoice that you objected to and issue you a new corrected invoice and respectively deliver the invoice reversal and corrected invoice and (where applicable) statement of corrected claimed applicable taxes (especially VAT), duties, levies or charges specified in the invoice reversal.

In case we are required by law that we receive a written statement from you that you have corrected claimed applicable taxes (especially VAT), duties, levies, or charges specified in the invoice reversal, you shall deliver such statement in writing no later than 7 (seven) calendar days, counting from the next calendar day from the day that we have delivered invoice reversal with such statement. By failing to deliver the aforementioned statement in the aforementioned deadline, you irrevocably claim that you have confirmed the statement as it was delivered to you on the day it was due to be delivered to us. 

You have the right to object to a corrected invoice as if it was the original invoice.

Payment as the fundamental performance of a customer

We consider your payment of undisputed invoice or the equivalent request for payment not later than the due date listed on the invoice or the equivalent request for payment as the fundamental performance of a contract.

If you fail to pay an undisputed invoice or the equivalent request for payment in full not later than the due date, you explicitly agree that you didn't perform your contractual obligation and that the aforementioned non-performance amounts to a fundamental non-performance. Consequent to the aforementioned failure to timely pay we retain the right to terminate the contract under which the invoice or the equivalent request for payment is issued.

We will warn you of failure to pay with a written warning message stating that failure to pay an undisputed invoice or invoices or any outstanding overdue amount and ask you to perform your contractual obligation to pay under the risk of terminating the contract if you fail to fulfill the obligation to pay as stated in the aforementioned warning message. 

Termination of contract due to failure to pay does not preclude us to claim damages for non-performance.

If we terminate the contract because of your failure to pay in time, we may charge you a late payment termination fee. Late payment termination fee can amount up to 50% (fifty percent), depending on our contractual conditions of total outstanding debt you owe us and you agree to pay such termination fee in 30 (thirty) days of issue of the invoice or the equivalent request for payment for such fee. Not issuing by the termination of the contract does not preclude us to issue an invoice for such a fee at any point in time. You cannot object to such an invoice as for invoice for work done. Whether termination fee is applicable to the work shall be set out in the contract. If the contract does not regulate termination fee, a fee is permitted if these terms are a part of such contract.

Termination because failure to pay in time does not affect any provision in the contract for the settlement of disputes or any other term of the contract which is to operate even after termination, nor does it preclude us to claim for other fees or damages that we have the legal right to either contractually or by law.

Instructions for payment of invoices or the equivalent requests for payment

When you receive the invoice or the equivalent request for payment from us, it is your legal obligation to pay it by the due date listed on it, according to the instructions listed on the invoice or the equivalent request for payment or object to the invoice or the equivalent request for payment following the process set out in these terms.

If the due date is not listed on the invoice or the equivalent request for payment you are obligated to pay it according to contractual terms set out between us in writing. If no such written contract determines payment terms, these terms apply.

Conditions that constitute due amount to be paid

We will consider the amount paid by the due date if the funds are received into our bank account latest on the due date, and NOT the date when the money transfer was initiated by the payer. Payments received after the due date will be considered as late payment and may be subject to default interest rate charges.

Bank transfer payments

When planning to initiate the payment to us, please observe the following:

  • cross-border or international payments can take several days to be completed (amount to be received into our bank account)
  • plan the payment in advance to allow for payments to be completed timely and
  • bank holidays in your country may differ from bank holidays in Croatia which may affect payments to be made.

Only if the information is NOT listed on the invoice or the equivalent request for payment please follow the instructions as set out in these instructions, otherwise follow the instructions listed on the invoice.

  • All our invoices or the equivalent requests for a payment normally include payment instructions. Please read them carefully and follow them. If you are unsure how to follow any of the instructions listed on the invoice you received please contact us.
  • When paying an invoice please use our Short company name in the Croatian language as follows: INFRANET RAZVOJ d.o.o. as the name of the payee (creditor or receiver). Please beware that using any other form (e.g. misspelled or abbreviated) of our company name, address, or other incorporation details can cause unsuccessful processing of bank transfer, cause a delay in assigning funds to our account or even cause the return of the remittance to your account. You are responsible to use our details as instructed with precision.
  • Most banks require to provide additional payment details like payment description. Under payment description use the name of the document (e.g. invoice, request for payment, offer, or similar) with its unique identifier (e.g. invoice number, offer number, or similar) in the payment description
  • Most banks welcome and some require the payer to provide a payment purpose code, depending on the type of transaction. Purpose codes are standardized by ISO 20022 standard. Whenever possible, we will indicate the preferred purpose code to be used in payments of the invoice, however, it is your duty to make sure to use the correct purpose code.
  • Some banks might require our customers to provide them with additional company details of the payee (us) to successfully process the bank transfer. If you require such details please visit this web resource about our incorporation details.
  • Some banks might require our customers to provide them with additional details about payment reasons and require payers to provide copies of the basis for payment (i.e. invoice or the equivalent request for payment). It is your obligation to check if your bank requires that and have the documentation ready in order for payment to be processed timely


Bank information

To process your cross-border or international payment to us, you might need our banking information

Bank's full company name (Croatian) PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB - DIONIČKO DRUŠTVO
Bank's short company name (Croatian) Privredna banka Zagreb d.d.
Bank's full company name (English) PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB P.L.C.
Bank's full company name (German) PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB A.G.
Bank's headquarters city ZAGREB
Bank's headquarters street and house number Radnička cesta 50
Bank's county of registration GRAD ZAGREB
Bank's country of registration Republic of Croatia
Bank's personal identification number (PIN/OIB) 02535697732
IBAN HR8923400091110457828
If you wish to verify any of this information, please feel free to do so at Commercial registry of Republic of Croatia.

Bank branch information

Some bank transfer orders or banks require you to enter additional information about our bank branch. Please use the following details about the bank branch.

Bank's branch full name (Croatian) PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB-dioničko društvo Podružnica 07-ZAGREB
Bank's branch office short name (Croatian) Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. Podružnica 07-ZAGREB
Bank's headquarters city Zagreb
Bank's headquarters street and house number Radnička 42
Bank's county of registration Grad Zagreb
If you wish to verify any of this information, please feel free to do so at Commercial registry of Republic of Croatia.

Bank transfer cost options

When in doubt who should bear the money transaction options please observe the payment instructions on the invoice. If the invoice doesn't list the bank transfer cost option, please follow the instructions listed below.

SEPA transfer (EUR) SLEV (SHA) - divided expense, only cost option permitted in SEPA
Transfers from within European Union in currencies that are not EUR SHAR (SHA) - divided expence
Transfers from outside European Union, regardless of currency used DEBT (OUR) - at payee's / principal's expense
Please use the appropriate cost option and check it with you banker

Applicable law and jurisdictions

Applicable law to these terms and conditions is the law of the Republic of Croatia.