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Traditional invoicing methods are subject to a multitude of errors that can hurt your business such as incorrect data input, delays in sending invoices, and long generation time. InfraBilling allows you to automate your invoicing process and handle multiple client accounts on a single platform.

Billing cycles

InfraBilling allows you to set billing cycles. Billing cycles allow you to invoice different customers based on a set schedule instead of billing all of your accounts on a single date.

Billing cycles allow you to:

  • Develop a custom schedule
  • Easily track which customers have been billed and which have not
  • Produce a more consistent cash flow

Easily create billing cycles with a click of the button, once created all the calculations will be done in the background. When the calculations are done, the data grid and invoice details are loaded and displayed.


Add a bonus/malus

InfraBilling allows you to apply one-off bonuses or maluses to each client you have for a billing cycle.

For example, if a customer drove to your location you might want to compensate them for the gas by awarding them a bonus.

Custom price-lists

Infrabilling allows you to create custom price lists that can be applied to a client.

A price list can be customized to your specific needs. Some of the customization options are:

  • Name
  • Category
  • Valid from
  • Expiration date


Easy administration

Administer user and client accounts with ease through a modern, intuitive user interface. Disable, assign roles, or create new accounts on the fly.

For a more in-depth look into InfraBilling, its functionality, and a user manual please visit this page

If you require more information about InfraBilling, InfraBilling's features, or future development, feel free to drop us a line any time at